September 26, 2020 -- John 10:7 -- Jesus the Only Door of Salvation

So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.”

John 10:7 English Standard Version

When I visited the life-sized replica of Noah’s Ark—a display made by Answers in Genesis for instruction in Bible truth—I was struck by the clear teaching that the Ark had only one Door. The only way to be saved from the flood waters was to get into the Ark and the only way onto the Ark was through that door. This passage today, Jesus’ teaching is clear. He alone is the Door, He alone is the way of salvation from the rising floodwaters of sin, dissipation and the corruptions of the world.

When you play chess, you are aware of the rules of the game. A chess master will know the rules so well and use these strictures for achieving moves calculated long in advance. When you are playing a chess master you can’t suddenly decide a piece on the chessboard will now move in a different configuration than the rules allow. The game would be impossible to play.

God the Triune—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—created the heavens and the earth. When Adam and Eve brought sin into our world, the LORD of Glory had already decreed the Rule of Salvation—Jesus Christ. He alone is the Door, through whom we are saved. No matter how much someone wants to alter the rules or change the way God has set down His decrees, it is immaterial. The King of Glory has set out what is right and how one can find everlasting life.

Tomorrow is Sunday. Find a bible-believing, Gospel-preaching church that is open and attend. Find Jesus the Door of our salvation and delight to enter into eternal life through Him. Anyone who is in the Woodstock, NB area, I’ll be preaching at Trinity A.R.P. at 11 AM. Would love to see you there.

Many centuries ago the psalmist cried out: “Answer me when I call, O God!” As Christians living in this time we have the privileged vantage point of history seeing how You have answered this cry in Jesus Christ. In Him we have life and hope. He is the Door by which we receive salvation full and free. Blessed are You, God our Father and faithful in hearing and answering the cries of Your children. Spirit of the Living God, bless our preachers and teachers, evangelists and ministers as they bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to people. Lead Your people the Jesus the Door though and by Whom we are saved. Ah Faithful God, be glorified! Amen.