August 10, 2020 -- John 6:1 -- Faithful

After this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias.

John 6:1 English Standard Version

Details matter in the Bible. It seems like a near pointless piece of information that Jesus went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee—but consider this, where Jesus goes, who He meets, and those who receive His teaching, these are not haphazard events or coincidences. In Luke, when Jesus was asked to stay in Capernaum, He declared: “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the others towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose” (Luke 4:43). Through-out His earthly ministry, Jesus was directed by the Spirit of God and Jesus went to the places determined by the Father so that He could make the Father known to all whom He had given to Jesus.

Jesus’s disciples went with Him. They were being mentored by Jesus. They were learning as well that the Father in heaven is purposeful in all He does. The Spirit of God will direct believers to the people who need to know the Savior. What seems like random events to us are in fact used for the glory of Jesus Christ. They were learning to make the most of every opportunity in service to God.

Many of you know that I have been a volunteer police chaplain for many years. I have not served in that capacity for a few years now. Last year I thought I might begin again, but realized the timing was not right. So I have not been involved with it for a year now. On the holiday Monday I went to PEI. We have what is known as an “Atlantic Bubble”, which means residents of the four Atlantic provinces can freely move about. After crossing the Confederation Bridge from NB to PEI, I learned there is a border check! It was a surprise to me.

At the border check I noticed the car ahead of us had Quebec license plates and it seemed the people were in process of being denied entry into PEI. So the peace officer who was assigned to speak with us was already a bit frazzled by dealing with a carload of angry people. When he came to speak with me and my traveling companion, my passenger did not have I.D. which would identify him as a resident of Moncton. So we were denied entrance. The peace officer led us to a waiting area where we met a police officer. This police officer approached with some trepidation, knowing we might be irritated at being denied entrance. The Spirit prompted me to mention chaplaincy.

So, when the officer approached, I was at ease. I told him I realize his job probably has him encounter many frustrated and angry people. I appreciate his work and wanted him to know, as someone who has served as a volunteer police chaplain, he is appreciated and supported in his work. His shoulders relaxed. He smiled. We talked about ten minutes on chaplaincy, which he’d never heard of, and exchanged business cards. Though we were not able to visit PEI, I realized what had happened is that God brought us to the right person at the right time for His purposes. My friend and I had a wonderful teaching moment—we learned that what we plan to do can easily be overturned by what the Spirit is planning. The question is: will we be open to what the Spirit is doing and to whom the Spirit is bringing us?!

LORD of heaven and earth, thank You for the greatness of our salvation, applied to us in the majestic work of Jesus Christ. Father in heaven, thank You for the way in which You direct our lives, in the great sweeping events as in the details. Keep us humble, O God our Father, and alert, to all the opportunities You give us for holy service. Thank You for those You have placed in our own lives who recognized the meeting as a divine appointment and taught us of Jesus Christ. Thank You for those who have been faithful along the way, and prompted by the Spirit continued to sharpen us and bless us for holy service. We bless You and thank You that our lives are in Your hands, Triune God of all blessedness. Amen.