July 5, 2020 -- John 4:35 -- The Most Unlikely Convert-Evangelist
/Do you not say, “There are yet four months then comes the harvest? Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.”
John 4:35 English Standard Version
This statement is oft-quoted among Christians. What we forget is the context where Jesus said these words. A hated Samaritan woman had returned to her town. She was an outcast. She was known as an immoral woman, yet after her encounter with Jesus she had to go and tell everyone about Jesus. What an interesting witness—what glorious evidence that Jesus has come to seek and save lost sinners!
Even as Jesus was speaking these words to His disciples about the fields being white for harvest, see the fields are white for harvest, the people of Sychar were emptying the town by coming to Jesus in the noon-day heat in order to find out Who He Is. Here is the harvest, souls hungry for the Truth of Jesus. Notice how Jesus used a fallen woman as an evangelist—the bringer of Good News.
The disciples might object, as much as we do:
These people are fit for the kingdom?
The Samaritans only believed the Torah, the first 5 books of the Old Testament, rather than the whole. What do we have in common with them? Should we associate with them?
Okay, they may be ready for the Gospel, but I am tired, hungry, thirsty, busy, not ready, don’t know enough to instruct them.
Notice not one of these excuses withstands the fact that God the Father has prepared a harvest. Christ is the seed of Truth Who has died, been buried three days and rose to new life—the firstfruits of the great harvest to come. The Spirit of God will use you, yes, even you, despite your objections, fears, your sense of being inadequate so that many will be saved by the glorious work of Jesus Christ. If Jesus could use the Samaritan woman, seemingly disqualified in all the ways she was, He will certainly use you and me! The Spirit will give you the words to speak—as sure as there is spring-time and harvest, so sure will the Gospel bear fruit. Be prepared for how God is using you.
Mighty God of Covenant Faithfulness, Your Gospel yields a faithful harvest year in and year out! Thank You for the unlikely people You used by Your Spirit to bring us to the saving knowledge of and joyful obedience to Jesus Christ. Spirit of God, sweep away all our own objections and help us to bring Good News to the harvest of people You have appointed for life in Jesus Christ. Forgive us for fields unwon and work undone and renew in us a holy zeal to be faithful harvesters. Amen.