June 24, 2020 -- John 3:31 -- Do you see it?

He who comes from above is above all.

He who is of the earth belongs to the earth

and speaks in an earthly way.

He who comes from heaven is above all.

John 3:31 English Standard Version

Did you see it? What a common expression that is. When the Comet Hale-Bopp made its appearance in 1997 I roused one our children from his sleep so that he could see it in the night sky. It was really cool to watch. I asked him, did you see it? Could you distinguish it from the other bright things in the sky? I am not even sure if he remembers this event from 23 year ago!

Jesus comes from above. He has seen the splendors of heaven. He knows the glory of the Father. He has the power of the Holy Spirit given to Him without measure so that what He knows from above He is able to bring to us as a credible witness. By way of sharp contrast those from the earth, who belong to the earth and who refuse the things of God—they cannot distinguish the simplest things because they are earthbound and therefore speak in an earthly way. Such earth-bound people have not seen what Jesus saw, sees and would see. So their limited perspective makes them unworthy witnesses. It is a most damning statement pronounced against the pretenders who set themselves up against the lofty knowledge of the Lord our God.

The LORD our God is glorious! His words are altogether trustworthy and true. His ways lead us in ever-lasting life. He gives to us hope for this world. It is hope that is anchored in the knowledge that Christ Jesus our Savior-King has conquered sin and the grave and in Him is life that is everlasting. Have you seen Him? Do you know His glory? Read the word. Pray. Speak with other Christians so that your heart is trained to seek Him Who is above all.

Spirit of the Living God, open my eyes that I may see Jesus. In view of the glory of knowing Jesus may the earth-bound prophets of our age lose their lustre. Spirit of God keep my heart true to Jesus all for the honour and praise of the Father in heaven. Amen.