June 1, 2020 -- John 1:1-3 -- God: Eternal, Creative, Glorious

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

He was in the beginning with God.

All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.

In him was life…

John 1:1-4a English Standard Version

Listening to a speaker recently I heard this startling statement: if you uncoiled all the DNA in your body, placed it end to end, you’d be able to stretch it to the moon and back 6,000 times. Yes, you read that right, 6,000 times. I had to double check that myself! That is 2+ billion km of DNA you have tucked away in your body. Just one cell’s worth of DNA is 6 feet ( or 1.8 m) long...granted it is microscopically thin.

Before anything was created, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit lived in perfect community and love. The Triune God is eternal, outside of time and creation. When the Glorious Lord of Life decided to make life it was not the result of a Big Bang. I wonder, if a printing press exploded, would you get a perfectly bound novel out of that? Of course not! It is crazy when you put it like that, right?! Neither are we the result of random explosion and chance!

So the Lord of creation order spoke creation into existence. He is the Author of life. DNA is a language. It is a four letter language (while that seems hard to grasp, think of Morse Code, it is a language with five elements, a dot or a dash and the length of each element determines the letter it signifies).

DNA is more complex than any computer code ever devised. It can be read forward and backwards, up and down. From what the scientists can determine how it is folded matters as well because of all the ways and directions DNA can be read and used to determine the functions of a cell. This is not random. It is the evidence of our Creator’s beautiful work.

Why does any of this matter? It matters because Scripture teaches us we are significant to God. He spoke us into existence. He made us and He sustains all of creation. We do not need to be climate-change frightened. From the beginning of creation to the end He determines for it, the LORD our God will maintain the earth and the cosmos. We have moral laws and order not by government fiat or popular vote. What is right and true is set for us by the Lord Who made all and appoints order for creation.

The fact that the Gospel of John begins with the statement of creation shows us that as glorious and wondrous as the original creation is, so magnificent and wondrous is our being made new in Jesus Christ. It is God’s powerful, creative act which brings us to salvation. Now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to respond to the wondrous invitation of the LORD. During these Covid times, pick up your bible. Read. God is giving you the time to know Him better and marvel at the vast splendors of creation and the intricacies He has woven into our bodies. In all of these He is declaring He is near. He has provided the way of salvation. Seek Him while He may yet be found.

It is beautiful to consider, O God our Creator, the fact that we are not cosmic orphans, or Big Bang cast-offs with no purpose or value. What a treasure Your testimonies are. Lord of Life, by Your Spirit make the Bible ever more precious to us. Help us to use these times of confusion and upheaval to study the Bible and to know Jesus Christ, not as a mere figure of long-ago history, but as the Lord of Life Who continues to care for us and sustain us each day. May the story of Jesus’ saving work break over our heads and hearts as magnificent and precious truth which can satisfy our hungry, longing souls. Amen.

As I was writing this today, I was listening to this organ recital. It is so moving. May you be blessed as you listen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6BO-mjQJas