May 24, 2020 -- Psalm 119:171 -- Wadis of praise

My lips will pour forth praise,

for you teach me your statutes.

Psalm 119:171 English Standard Version

In the dry regions in and around Israel there are dry river beds called: wadis. A wadi will remain dry until the rainy season when streams of water will pour forth. In the original language the expression “pour forth” is used for water coursing down one of these wadis in the rainy season. Now it is employed as the expression to pour forth praise and honour and blessing to God Who is near and Who by His Spirit and Word teaches us His ways.

Think of it, we were dry—dead in our sins and trespasses—then Jesus touched us and we were raised to new life. By the power of the Spirit we comprehend how wide flowing is the love of God our Father given to us. Jesus is for us Living Water (so He promised in John 4:15). Receiving Jesus results in hearts and mouths, minds and souls gushing forth praise and blessing, thanks and songs to His glorious Name.

The channels which hold and direct the coursing waters of praise and thanksgiving are His statues. The commandments of the Mighty LORD of Heaven and Earth direct our ardent worship in the appropriate courses. The more we know what He requires of us, the greater is our ability to praise Him, thank Him and live in joyful obedience to Him.

Such expressions of flowing praise from lives directed by His commandments are like streams of water in the desert. People who see us, those dry souls and parched hearts, witness that there is Living Water which bubbles up in us. Inevitably they will ask: what is different about him? Why is she so happy when there seems to be no reason for it? Our lives carry such Living Water and such testimony about God to the world around us. Brothers and sisters I urge you—be prepared to give an answer to those who ask you about such praise bubbling up in you and flowing from you, which finds its source in Jesus Christ.

Praises and honour and blessing are rightfully Yours, Blessed God, Holy and Triune. Thank You for the songs of deliverance, given to us by Your Spirit, which flow from our hearts. Thank You Spirit of Truth for the teaching You give us in the statutes of Scripture, these statutes which are most perfectly displayed in Jesus Christ: the Living Water for our souls. Holy and Perfect Sovereign of Heaven and Earth delight in the praises of Your people. Spirit of the Living God cause our songs of praise which flow from us in joy-filled channeled in obedience to Jesus Christ our King draw many parched souls to seek after this same Jesus Who is the well-spring of all blessings in us. Amen.