March 5, 2020 -- Psalm 119:127 -- God's valuable commandments

Therefore I love your commandments

above gold, above fine gold.

Psalm 119:127 English Standard Version

To understand the reason for the word therefore the reader must grasp what happen there before the current sentence. The psalmist has been crying out to God the Just, recognizing His laws and testimonies have been broken. He has confessed it is the LORD’s own people, even this Psalm writer himself who is guilty. So, he prayed to God the merciful for the ability to understand His statutes and steadfast love. Ah, what a glorious answer he has received. The psalmist now cries out “therefore I love your commandments”.

Our verse today shows is the Spirit of the LORD has made the commandments of the LORD clear and precious. The prayers of the psalmist in this stanza have been answered. I am reminded of this verse: “To all perfection I see a limit, but your commands are boundless” (verse 96, NIV). A masterpiece painting will discolour and need constant restoration. A 1938 American Bantam Roadster fully restored and polished up will seem perfect—but the seats will wear out. The engine will need constant attention. It cannot stay at the level of perfection without constant attention.

Ah, but the commandments of God our King are perfection. They are better than refined gold. The commandments of the LORD are better than whatever the Royal Mint can possibly produce. They are in and of themselves a treasure.

The commandments of the LORD our God show us our need for His salvation. We see our sin and error.

The commandments of the LORD our God have been perfectly obeyed by Jesus Christ, Who is therefore the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world.

The commandments of the LORD our God are His guideline so as we obey them we live out our thankful obedience to Him. Whenever we fail in keeping them, we see, more clearly, our need for Jesus Christ and understand His perfections, His mercy and His love poured out for us. As we confess our sins and failures we are instructed in our understanding. The Spirit of God takes our softened hearts and shapes us to be more and more like Christ, our Redeemer and the Captain of our Salvation.

God Who answers prayer—Great are You and worthy of glory and praise. Thank You for the perfections and beauty of Your commandments which inevitably lead us to Jesus Christ, in Whom we have the complete forgiveness of all our sins. Thank You, Gracious Father, for the gift of Your Spirit Who patiently, persistently and perfectly instructs us in the way of salvation. Forgive us. We see our trespasses and iniquities, our wickedness and rebellion. The devil taunts us: “How could the Holy God ever love one such as you?! Thank You for the work of Jesus Christ, disarming the devil, the accuser, at the cross. We know, because of the cross of Jesus Christ all our sins, every single one, is defeated and it is subjected to the wrath of God poured out on Jesus. Therefore, we are free in Jesus. Mighty are You, O God. True to Your word and able to save to the uttermost all who call on the Name of Jesus. Therefore, we praise You. Therefore, we bless You. Help us, Spirit of the Living God to walk in the way of obedience and joy honouring Jesus our Savior and bringing praise to God our Father. Amen.