March 16, 2020 -- Psalm 119:134 -- Living our Christian Witness

Redeem me from man’s oppression

that I may keep your precepts.

Psalm 119:134 English Standard Version

The word oppression also includes the connotation of extortion. There is a sense of being coerced to “do this or else”. Here is how I am seeing “man’s oppression” in these days of panic and Covid-19 hysteria. Churches are closing their doors. They boast of being compliant with man’s regulations, but they have neglected their greater duty: prayer. In this time that is deemed to be a national emergency, why are Christians retreating from prayer and steadfast confidence in the power of God the Almighty?

Sure, if a church is 500 strong why not comply with the government regulations by having rotating times of prayer? The church could organize gatherings of 25 to 50 at a time so that there are rolling times of prayer through-out the Sunday and Christians would be seen to be both obeying government regulations and intently concerned for the glory of God. Where is our vision in this time? Where is our confidence in the rule of God?

Ultimately the psalmist does not want to slavishly obey the regulations and rules of the world, he desires and commits himself to full obedience to the God of Glory. Even kings and princes of old felt pressure to listen to their advisers and could also admit to being governed by their own rebellious willfulness.

To be redeemed from man’s oppression is to know the victory of Jesus Christ. As New Testament Christians we know Jesus has overcome sin, death and the world (cf: John 16:33). The power of sin is broken. Our confidence is not in governments, in health advisers, in scientists who make their best guesses, our rock-solid confidence is in Jesus Christ.

To be redeemed from man’s oppression is to experience the victory of Jesus Christ in our own hearts and lives (Revelation 21:7). The victory of Jesus Christ is applied to the hearts and lives of believers. We tremble not in fear for this world and its tribulations, for we do not have a spirit of fear but of adoption and of a sound mind (see II Timothy 1:7).

Spirit of the Living God fall afresh on us. Spirit of the Living God apply the redemption of Jesus Christ and His accomplished work to every part of our mind and life, heart and soul. Father in heaven, thank You for giving to us the Spirit of Adoption. We bless You for giving us the assurance that we all the benefits of belonging to You. Let us as Christians rise up and acknowledge Your glory, Father of Majesty and Terrible Power. Enable us to live in the confidence of Your goodness. In view of Jesus’ victory and the Spirit You have given us, Father, enable us to be prepared to be poured out in Your service to the limit of our strength knowing we shall be sustained and renewed by the powerful presence of Your Spirit in us. Amen.