December 2, 2020 -- John 15:20 -- Stick Close to Jesus

Remember the word that I said to you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours.

John 15:20 English Standard Version

What is the goal of your life? Are you looking to be popular? Thinking you’d be happy if you could make a lot of money? Maybe you desire just to be comfortable? At the start of this chapter Jesus gave to Christians the goal of their existence: “Abide in Me, and I in you”. The goal of all Christian living is to know Jesus Christ and to follow Him in all things. He leads the believer to the Father in heaven where the Christian understands the great love of God the Father.

Living for Jesus means there are people in your life—school, family, or work-place—who will hate you and undermine you and accuse you of all kinds of things. Those who persecute you are actually rebelling against the fact that in your life, words and actions they see Jesus. Amazingly Jesus promised that those who keep His commandments, even under such pressure, will glorify the Father, bear much fruit and be confirmed as the disciples of Jesus (all this in verse 8). And the crowning promise in verse 9 is that believers, who stick close to Jesus despite ridicule and persecution, will be confirmed in the Father’s love and Jesus’ love. The Spirit of God will give you the strength and grace you need to endure.

Living for Jesus also means you will meet people and immediately you recognize in them the presence and love of Jesus. No matter their circumstances or yours, you will find you have delight in speaking in with them. Your conversation will glorify God, you will see the fruitfulness the Spirit of God is bringing each in the other’s life and you will joyfully confirm—here is another believer! The love of God is confirmed to each of you.

Are you living for Jesus? When you are faced with a decision do you pray? When you can get away with cheating and no one would know, does your heart cry out and your conscience prickle? Are you openly declaring your love for Jesus in a world that is hunkered down in Covid-chaos and in desperate need of the Good News that Jesus is near? This is the glory of Christmas—Jesus had entered into this world of trouble. He will never leave His people nor abandon them. Abide in Jesus—pray, read your bible, trust in Him in all circumstances, do not compromise your faith. It is the most glorious work, requiring all your heart, mind, soul, and strength—but there is no greater task, no greater purpose than to abide in Jesus and He in you.

God of Wonder and Love, joyful are those who intentionally come into Your presence, cultivating the awareness You are near! Worshiping You leads us to want to express our love and devotion in action. As believers worship You, we are reminded You made us. You claimed us in Jesus Christ. You have spoken Your claim over us to our very hearts by Your Spirit living in us. Forgive us for the times we have tried to hide our faith in order to foolishly accommodate ourselves to the world. Renew in us thankful hearts and minds that form thoughts and actions of praise to Your Name. You are Good! Your steadfast love never ends, it has been evident through-out history, Your steadfast love carries on from generation to generation! Triune God reigning in splendour and magnificence, in our lives—individually and collectively—be glorified. Amen.