October 22, 2020 -- John 12:23-25 -- The Weight of Glory Unfolding

The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this work will keep it for eternal life.

John 12:23-25 English Standard Version

Some non-Jewish people approached Philip and Andrew and asked to see Jesus. Our text today is Jesus’ response. A strange response it is indeed. Jesus is the healer. He is the Man Who taught with authority. He cast out demons. He shows His authority over nature. Was He just a magician? Was He just a miracle worker? Would He suitable for a First Century version of Israel has Talent?! This is why Jesus answered as He did. He spoke of His impending death.

Why did Jesus have to die? He compared Himself to wheat. Put a kernel of wheat into the ground and it appears dead. Yet it will sprout and bear 40, 60 or 100% fruitfulness. Jesus had to die so that the penalty of sin would be fully paid for. Jesus had to die in order that the full family of God would be brought into the household of God. So His death resulted in tremendous fruitfulness.

Why do the followers of Jesus have to die to themselves? We follow Jesus to death. We die to ourselves now. We die to our imaginings of who or what we expected Jesus to be. We die to our sinful inclinations in order that in Christ we can rise in newness of life. What is the benefit of this? All what we have here we cannot keep. When we die, all our hopes, plans, and our vain thoughts that we are invaluable come to an abrupt halt. When we die now for Jesus Christ, we lose all things here on earth, things we can’t keep anyways, in order to inherit from Jesus life that never ends, security in the presence of our Father—as our sins are fully covered and we are called righteous through Jesus. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain in Christ!

Most importantly, this means the request of the non-Jewish people who approached Phillip and Andrew, is answered. They see Jesus clearly when they see Him as He has revealed Himself to be: the Savior of the World Who died for our sins and rises to newness of life. Surely that is evidence of His glory.

Covid-19 has shown us how quickly we can lose all things. How quickly a government can become tyrannical, ruling and commanding hapless people in areas not under its mandate. Covid-19 shows us how quickly the voodoo Baal doctors, who masquerade as scientists while instead making godless philosophical and theological statements, can become the strongest voices our world listens to. We need to die to these fears. We need to consider Jesus Christ as the Lord of Glory and the King Who directs our lives. We need to die to the world, its measures and visions and rise to life in Jesus. In Him alone will our lives have tremendous fruitfulness.

King Jesus, Your words and Your life, declare the the glory of God our Father. Blessed are You. The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever—how vast the benefits divine which we in Christ possess. Spirit of the Living God how precious are Your works, to guard and keep believers in these rich blessings of Jesus—as You help us to die to ourselves in You we then rise up to new life in Jesus. Your words and Your rules are true and altogether righteous and more to be desired than gold, even much fine gold! Amen.