October 17, 2020 -- ENOUGH Covid Nonsense led by the Voodoo-Baal priesthood of "science"


I have had enough of the Covid-19 lies.

First and foremost, we are breaking the commandments of God. You shall have no other gods before Me—Exodus 20:3. Right now Christians are listening to to the Voodoo Baal priests, rather than listening to God. Using the generic term “scientists” to endorse all the pandemic related policies is wrong. There are so many branches of science: epidemiologists, virologists, medical doctors and so on. There is no one branch of “science” that covers it all. More importantly, invoking the nebulous term “scientists” is being allowed to answer questions of theology. Theology asks us: “what is the meaning of my life?” Simply put, the chief aim of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. This is not in view for our government. This is not in view for our Voodoo Baal priest scientists. Christians, speak the truth.

You shall not bow down to them…the second commandment—you shall not bow down to a carved image or likeness of anything. God alone is worthy of our worship and adoration and praise. In our world today the image is being worshiped by “science” and these Voodoo Baal priests in government is a Covid free life. It is godless. TB continues to take lives, but it is not being lifted as the carved image. Our government is aborting children at an alarming rate while mouthing the tired, slogan they don’t believe saying every life matters. Our government is lining up patients in hospital hallways to kill them, but saying the only deaths that matter are Covid deaths. It is an image of the world that I don’t subscribe to. My life is dedicated to God—the Triune—no matter if there is Covid or no Covid. I am TIRED of my own cowardice, the cowardice of my denomination, of my fellow citizens and of our government. For shame. We must repent in ashes before our God!

Third—we are taking the Lord’s Name in vain! We are violating the third commandment, claiming our dedication to the Majesty of God while allowing an open lie to continue. Governments stated: we are going to flatten the curve, for 15 days. It is 200 plus days later. Christian leaders have been denying our people the LORD’s mandated command or meeting together. Our Christian leaders disobey the Word of the LORD, in so doing deny our people their obligation to gather and worship and do so in the name of obeying a Voodoo Baal priest-led government. This is violating the commandment not to take the Lord’s Name in vain. Now the sacred cow of our Voodoo Baal priesthood medical professionals and government is when a vaccine is ready then life may continue. I deeply and heartily apologize for not being bolder sooner and maintaining what I knew to be right. Enough. No more lies! No more carrot and stick. No more

The Sabbath day is violated. The government has been treating us like children—ignorant children. If you behave well, you might be allowed to celebrate Christmas. For shame! Enough. Sundays belong to the LORD. We are not following science, but a Voodoo Baal version of science. Before you react, tell me you have listened to the posts by eminent epidemiologists, the world’s best—and then respond. It is not “science” that is imposing on us. It is Voodoo Baal priesthood of medics who are leading the government demanding Christians stop worshiping. Enough! If the LORD is God, then obey Him.

We are not honouring our parents. Parents are cooped up in nursing homes. They are denied basic human rights. Living in a room, having a heart-beat, but having no human contact is not a full life. We are not honouring our parents by these measures. This same government has hospitals continuing with Medically Assistance in Death! We are NOT honouring our parents. We are lying and allowing a lie to continue by the Voodoo-Baal priesthood in charge of our country.

We are allowing murder to continue. The voodoo priesthood of government and “science” has stopped fertility practices from taking on new couples. The voodoo Baal government of B.C. is going after a hospice for not endorsing M.A.I.D. For shame—why is there no outcry?! There is no interest in life and certainly no interest in honouring our parents, and most importantly that which underlies this commandment, no interest in honouring the glory of our King!

Our Voodoo Baal government has lied. It is lying. It is not following science—they are following fear. You can find all kinds of opinions for and against—however, the government officials and Voodoo Baal priests and priestesses are not looking at collateral damage. They are not considering economics, quality of life, deaths coming like a tsunami because of starvation as workers can’t be found to harvest fields, food distribution networks have collapsed. In the video below it is estimated 130 million people will die because of pandemic lockdowns! Our Voodoo Baal government and her pandemic priesthood are not theologically oriented towards the LORD of Heaven and Earth. Enough of allowing their lies to continue unanswered and unchallenged.

How do we respond?

  1. Gather for church. If you church is too timid to hold worship services, have people come to your home and worship together

  2. Write your church leaders and challenge them on their stance of allowing the voodoo priests of Baal to dictate their theology.

  3. Write your government at all levels—enough! This pandemic has disproportionately affected the poor and marginalized and institutionalized. The privileged classes are fine. Working from home. Able to buy and secure masks. If a mask costs a dollar and you are worried about food, it is wrong. There is no conclusive evidence masks are useful. Prisoners are denied spiritual care and visits. Those in nursing homes are basically incarcerated against their will—what if a senior is okay with having family visits, taking a measured Covid risk and perhaps dying with a rich life of family, hugs and life affirmed? There are many working poor people who have to go to minimum wage jobs, with no hope of relief, because missing a pay cheque will spiral their lives out of control. There are children’s aid cases languishing, families remaining hopelessly divided while rich lawyers, social workers not in fear of their pay cheque or jobs, ruthlessly rule the lives of those who are near poverty and cannot defend themselves nor their families.

  4. Pray. We need to pray.

  5. Obey the LORD.

  6. Allow for discussions. I have been explosive in my words because anything less is immediately shouted down. I believe we need to recover real, deep conversation on this. Our churches do not allow the government to spout lies about evolution. Bible believing Christians strongly affirm the world was created in six 24-hours days and God created the blessing and gift of rest on the Sabbath day. We do not allow our Voodoo-Baal culture and pseudo-scientists to reinterpret what is so clearly spelled out in Scripture. Nor should we allow our godless culture to dictate our theology and philosophy of life based on lies. Let’s talk! Let’s call out lies. Let us seek the LORD while He may be found.

Respectfully submitted in His service~Shalom: Richard
