October 10, 2020 -- John 11:26b-27 -- When Believing Costs Dearly

Do you believe this?

She said to him, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world.”

John 11:26b-27 English Standard Version

Martha, one of the many people who with her sister and brother Lazarus supported Jesus’ itinerant ministry from their own resources, was standing before Jesus broken, deeply grieved, and bewildered. Her brother had died. She’d expected Jesus—Who had healed so many people—to arrive before Lazarus died so that Jesus could raise him from his sickbed. Jesus healed so many people. That is why the sisters sent for Jesus while Lazarus was sick. Jesus could have just spoken the word, right from where He was and healed Lazarus. He cast out demons. He had the power to heal. She could not understand why Jesus didn’t come to their rescue.

Jesus explained: “I AM the Resurrection and the Life”. When things are broken and at their worst, no matter your circumstances, I AM the only source of life. Do you believe this, not only when things are good, but when things are terrible. When you have messed up, again. When you are standing at the edge of the bed of a loved one who has breathed his last. When your finances have exploded and everyone will know you failed. When your sins become public and everyone you thought was a friend abandons you. At these moments will you believe Jesus is the Son of God, the Anointed One sent to give you help more glorious and perfect than any human help could ever be?

Your loved one may not rise from the sickbed. Your finances may not turn around. Your company may have to experience retractions due to the second wave of Covid such that you will never reopen your doors. At that moment will you be able to declare: “Yes, Jesus, I believe You are the Christ—the One Anointed by God—the Son of God Who is coming into the world”?

At that moment, while her brother was still dead, and she did not expect him to to be raised, Martha finally understood Who Jesus Is. He alone holds the power of life and death. He alone can lift us from our worst fears and disasters and comfort us. He is life now. He is life in eternity. He is the One Who raises us up to know we have a Father in heaven Who knows our Name. He is the One Who gifts us with His Spirit so that we don’t care about riches or poverty, sickness or health, fruitful or lean years, Covid-19 whatever wave it might be. He, Jesus is the One Who is life. Not as the world celebrates. Not as fickle people who one moment love you and the next vilify you. He is the One Who loves at all times. He is the One Who will never leave you. He is coming into the world. He will return and bring all His people to the Father.

Do not lose hope. Do not give up. The race is nearly done. The angels at the throne of heaven will soon hear the order, “Raise those trumpets to your lips, announce the return of the Christ, the LORD of Glory, come to bring His people to the splendor of eternity”.

Blessed Jesus, You are Who You promised You are: the Resurrection and the Life. When circumstances would blind Your people to this thunderous truth let Your Spirit speak to the heart of Your child: “Abba, Father” so that the realization of the heart’s true paternity would stir within an unshakeable hope. Thank You, Jesus, for the rich storehouse of blessings You bring. Amen.