September 30, 2019 -- Psalm 119:26 -- Trained for Battle

When I told of my ways, you answered me;

   teach me your statutes!

Psalm 119:26 English Standard Version

Sometimes I have to school my reactions so that I don’t roll my eyes and let a derogatory sigh of exasperation escape my lips when I am listening to a speaker. It can be tempting for me to fold my arms and shake my head and act as if I am so much wiser, superior to whatever drivel is being spouted by the talker. Then I must consider this: I am not even smart as a paramecium compared to unlimited wisdom and knowledge of God. Therefore, in allegiance to the All-Wise God Whose ways are higher than my ways and Whose thoughts are inexpressibly elevated beyond mine, I am compelled to exercise kindness and forbearance in all my interactions with other people who share a paramecium-like cranial capacity with me

This glorious, wise, omniscient God does not deride His people; He does not disregard us when we are speaking and mock our ineptitudes. He answers us! James teaches us that God is our Good Father, the source of every good gift. What a gentle Father.

Teach me—the English is rather prosaic here. The background of this word in Hebrew includes a sense of being trained for war. While laying out his life before the Living God—complaints and exasperations all—the psalmist realizes he is being overwhelmed by his sins and the temptations of the enemy. A good friend and prayer-partner had a great description of the very difficult situations of his life. He’d call them “the four horsemen of his personal apocalypse”. He names them: being hungry, tired, lonely, and dealing with untamed sexual urges. When any of those four horsemen, or any combination of them, began riding out, he knew he would be in trouble. He admitted when he was being wise in the LORD, or at minimum aware of the threat, he would cry out to God. I imagine the psalmist being aware of the threats arrayed against him, as he lays out his life before the Lord of Glory, as he is about to be overwhelmed by temptations, enemies, or sin. Therefore he cries out “arm me for battle according to Your statutes”.

The statutes of the LORD are something a believer owes to the Captain of Salvation. When the LORD our Warrior responds to us, teaching us to overcome our enemies, we would be fools to do anything else other than follow His training.

 Thank You, Father—Source of Every Good—for the graciousness with which You hear us. We know Your kindness and compassion are given to us in boundless measure because of Jesus Christ—in Whom all our enemies are vanquished. Spirit of God, as we are being trained for spiritual victory, give us the humble wisdom to put into practice all we are learning. Thank You for the communities into which You have, by Your providence placed us, where we will grow in grace. You have designed it that way. Blessed are You, our God, Warrior and Captain of our Salvation. Amen.