December 1, 2019 -- Psalm 119:64 -- Creation Testifies about God

Here is a link to a beautiful and fitting song. I recommend you listen as you read this devotion this morning. Shalom. Richard

The earth, O LORD, is full of your steadfast love;

teach me your statutes!

Psalm 119:64 English Standard Version

Whenever you read in your Bible the covenant name of God—LORD—pause. It is a reference to the fact that the LORD of Glory and Power has made binding promises to His people. What the Psalmist is declaring is that the whole earth—all plants and trees, all seasons and weather patterns, all creatures on the earth and under the seasons, all things on our planet declare the steadfast love of their Maker. People are without excuse. Those who say things like: “Unless God proves Himself and gives me a sign that He exists, I won’t believe in Him” are therefore condemned by their own words.

The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
2 Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
3 There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.
4 Their voice goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.

Psalm 19:1-4

This is just one text in Scripture, among many, that testifies to the evidence God gives of His presence, His power and His mercy in and through creation. Indeed, the whole earth is filled with His glory.

The only response one can give is this: teach me Your statutes! Help me to walk in the way of blessing and to know my Creator! When Jesus came to earth creation knew her Maker! When He spoke sicknesses suffering people. When He spoke the storm obeyed His voice and immediately stopped its tempests and blowing. When He merely said, “Be still” the waves’ surging and foaming halted before Him.

This Advent season know this: Jesus, Immanuel, God with us, has come to this earth. He has made the Father fully known. The steadfast love of God has been fully revealed. How will you respond? Join with believers and worship God. Attend church and declare He is Holy! He is Good! He is worthy of worship.

Open my eyes, Lord of All Creation, so that I will see Your steadfast love in every part of creation. Humble my heart, Spirit of God, as I read the Bible so that I will see the glorious touch of Jesus Christ all around me. Let the words of my mouth and actions of my life cause the people around me to see Jesus. I confess my mess. There are so many times I do wrong, I act contrary to what I claim to believe. Merciful King forgive me. Renew in me a zeal to serve You. Amen.