November 8, 2019 -- Psalm 119:49 -- Remember

Remember your word to your servant,

in which you have made me hope.

Psalm 119:49 English Standard Version

St. Augustine notes that the word “remember” does not mean the LORD God has forgotten His word or His promises to His people. Instead, this is an urgent request from the psalmist that God would fulfil His word to HIs servant. In the Hebrew language, the act of remembering always involves action in fulfilment of what is brought to mind.

Ah, here is the critical question: do you know the promises of God? Are you a student of the word to such an extent that you know the word of God the Faithful and can hold them up to Him in prayer?

Everyone who calls on the Name of the LORD will be saved (Romans 10:13; Acts 2:21; Joel 2:31). What a glorious promise—those who call on the Name of the LORD, crying out to Jesus will be rescued from this present evil age. Their sins have been punished on the Person of Jesus and their account credited with the obedience of Jesus.

When sins and enemies and troubles are arrayed against you, can you find victory? (John 16:33)

When facing death and the grave? John 11:25

When the enemy accuses you of your sins—what assurances do you have? (Revelation 12:10 Colossians 2:15)

The psalmist knows his hope is not found in his feelings, not found in what man can promise him. His hope is anchored in Jesus Christ—the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the word. What the sacrifices of the Old Testament pointed to have all been fulfilled in Jesus Christ. We hope in Him and have confidence in the Word of the LORD, Who does not change, Who does not say one thing and do another. No! Instead, we are confident in Him and we have hope—”and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us” (Romans 5:5).

Drive us to the Word, Spirit of God, that in it and through it we may see the glory of Jesus Christ. As through the pages of Holy Scripture we see Jesus, conquer our hearts all over again so that we place all our confidence and hope in Him and His accomplished work. Spirit of Truth, fill our thoughts and imagination with the mighty acts of Jesus so that we will follow Him in all things. Send us, Spirit of Comfort, with the good news of Jesus to be ambassadors and witnesses to His goodness so that the people in our lives who do not yet know Him will bless Him and follow Him in glorious hope. Send out missionaries and gospel preachers near and far. Renew missionary zeal among believers, God of Life, so that the purposes for which You, in love, sent Jesus to this world will be fulfilled! Amen.