November 28, 2019 -- Psalm 119:61 -- Sin, Rescue and Entanglements
/Though the cords of the wicked ensnare me,
I do not forget your law.
Psalm 119:61 English Standard Version
That word “cords” can mean noose. When a friend struggling in sin the first thing many want to do is help out. Many people have the natural impulse to rescue those who are in serious trouble. What must first happen is making an assessment to determine the exact danger that person is in and what threats or impediments there would for any rescue effort. For example, if a man is drowning, are there hazards in the water which are just below the surface? Such hazards might be pulling the drowning man downwards and they could impede any rescue that is not properly conducted. In fact, the rescuer might get entangled and need rescue as well. If a woman is trapped in a car after a car accident, any rescuer would have to ask: are there shards of glass here that might harm me as I help? Is there leaking gas that can ignite? Any rescue would have to take account of the potential threat or danger.
When the sins of others require urgent attention, it is altogether too easy for the Christian to get bound up and ensnared in those sins even during the attempt to help another person out. A former alcoholic seeking to help a struggling alcoholic may face temptations that are overwhelming. A man helping a friend confess adultery may find himself so caught up in the lies and deceptions and immorality of his friend’s behavior that he begins to allow his own thoughts to rehearse the failings of his spouse and the great qualities of a co-worker.
A reader might be thinking: ah but I am secure. I have achieved great victories. Christ is the One Who Helps me. Thanks be to God! It is in Him alone any of us can find victory However there is an alarm sounding warning in this brief text today! Sin breeds sin. Sin is contagious. Jude 1:23 reminds us to hate even the clothing of those stained by sin and to be beware as you snatch others from the fire, lest you yourself get burned, or singed, or the smell of the smoke lingers on and the temptations to sin are sparked.
What halts the slide into sin of the friend seeking to help another? It is the Law of God. In verse 61 the word for law is the Hebrew word: “Torah”. For a Jewish man or woman the Torah refers to the first five books of the Old Testament. These are “the books of the law”. They guide believers in the right path. They hold up the standards of God the Holy and Just. These books remind us that our lives are measured not against those who are good or against those who are worse off than we are. We are called to the standard of complete holiness—we are to be holy as the LORD Almighty is Holy. When our eyes are fixed on Him and our hearts are moved to faithful obedience to His Torah—the direction He gives for our lives—then we are in a position to evaluate the potential dangers and pitfalls in helping others out. Then, in the light of His Word and His Will we can see the way in which any attempt to help others might have hazards and pitfalls and present dangers. In making this evaluation one can be prepared to fully help and remain fully devoted to the glory of God, our portion and our joy.
Jesus, Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world—blessing and honour, praise and glory belong to You! Thank You for our own rescue story—You love that reached out and snatched us from sin and burning shame. Spirit of Wisdom direct us in the love of Christ and in His commandments so that we can help and bless others. Great and Glorious Father in heaven, You sent Jesus to seek and save the lost—let His saving work continue to be carried out by our words and life, as we are carried along by Your Spirit. Thank You that You have never given up on us, that You Who began a good in us will see it to completion! Great and merciful are You, Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Amen.