October 4, 2019 -- Psalm 119:29 -- No false steps
/Put false ways far from me;
and graciously teach me your law.
Psalm 119:29 English Standard Version
A man stood up in our bible study group and noted how he struggled to live for Jesus. He told the story how he had only one brother and the two of them were very competitive. They worked the rails and were always comparing their accomplishments. When Gerry became a Christian, he realized he probably shouldn’t be arguing with his brother.
Gerry told the group of a time he visited his parents and his brother and brother’s family happened to be there as well. And, as happened so often, the two of them got into an argument again. After getting really frustrated, Gerry quickly said good-bye to his parents. He piled his two kids in the car. He started driving off. He was about two minutes away and into the simmering silence his wife, a new Christian, quietly said to him: “Now, how do you think you’ll be able to speak of Jesus’ love to your brother ever again?”
Gerry, now decades after this event, teared up at the memory. He said her words penetrated straight to his heart. Immediately he turned the car around, drove back to the house and finding his brother he apologized. His brother was really surprised. And blurted out “You started the fight.” His brother baited him. It was their usual pattern. Gerry replied “You are right, I did. Again I am so sorry for my bad behaviour.” Gerry said that moment started the pathway of healing between.
On our own we easily fall into our old paths and patterns of sin. We need to pray urgently that God will redirect our steps into His ways. Stubbornly we look for any and every excuse to charge down our false paths and familiar wrongs. When Jesus takes hold of our hearts we see what we’re doing. When the Spirit of God teaches us from the Law of God, we begin to take up our new life in Christ. People cannot help but see the change in us—and the honour and credit belong to our King!
Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life for all who believe in You, we confess we are prepared to justify our false steps and bad behaviour. In the light of Your gracious Word and by the convicting work of Your Spirit we must confess how often we are startled to find ourselves so far from where we want to be, or ought to be. With the psalmist we plead: “graciously teach us your law” so that we will powerfully live out our new-found love for and gratitude to Jesus. Thank You, Father in heaven, for all the resources You pour out so that we may live as your beloved children. Amen.